Advantages of HDR Light Studio:
HDR Light Studio lets you easily create and edit HDRI environment maps in real time. As you develop your custom HDRI map, you’ll see the lighting effect on your 3D scene in real time.
HDR Light Studio is used by connecting the software to your 3D application or in standalone mode. LiveLight interactive rendering included.
Position your light sources directly in the 3D view and they will be automatically positioned on the HDRI map. This one-click lighting feature is called LightPaint, and it speeds up your lighting process tremendously – with precise results.
HDR Light Studio is much more than just an HDR editor – it’s a revolutionary new lighting tool that fits seamlessly into your existing workflow. It’s the fastest way to use any 3D software to conjure your vision of lighting from your head to the screen.
Realize your own ideas
Intuitive and interactive HDR Light Studio offers a more creative process than traditional lighting techniques.
You simply choose your shot and effortlessly create a perfect world of light and reflections that bring your subject to life.
Illuminate shots faster
Examine and perfect your lighting on the fly by positioning and editing light directly in your shot with instant feedback.
Improve image quality
With realistic HDR shots and procedural lighting and effects that bring your materials to life, HDR Light Studio gives you even more control over your lighting.
Make better use of existing content
Enhance and extend existing HDRI maps to control the effect on your shot. Create plausible lighting for use with existing background images using powerful color-matching tools.
HDRI maps can be used by any renderer with predictable results. Lighting can be created standalone or via a live connection with your 3D software.
Reduce render time
Use image-based lighting to significantly reduce render time or illuminate real-time objects.
Main features:
Contact us for more information about HDR Light Studio.
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What's New
Houdini Connection
Support for V-Ray, Octane and RenderMan has been added to the Houdini Connection. This adds to existing support for: Redshift, Arnold and Mantra renderers.
Support added for Houdini 18
HDRI Haven Presets
We have selected a range of useful interior and exterior HDRI maps from the HDRI Haven web site. These HDRI maps are available to anyone for free due to their generous CC0 license. For your convenience we have created a Preset Pack adding these HDRI maps to HDR Light Studio. These are provided at a resolution of 2,048 pixels wide. You can download higher resolutions if required from HDRI Haven. This Preset Pack can be downloaded by customers from their account.
Faster Applications Startup
The first time HDR Light Studio Tungsten Drop 3 runs, it will build a cache of thumbnail images on disc for the installed Presets. Thereafter, HDR Light Studio Presets are available to see immediately after application start up.
Float HDR Light Studio UI Panels
Use the new ‘undock icon’ whilst pressing the Control Key (Command on MacOS) to undock and float a user interface panel in HDR Light Studio. You can then move this UI panel over the top of the HDR Light Studio interface without it snapping back into the interface. Double click the top bar of the floating UI panel to return it to dock in the interface.
Cinema 4D Connection
Support has been added for R21
Octane Standalone Connection
Connections added for Octane Standalone 2019 and 2020
LibPNG 15.0
LibPNG 15.0 now shipped with the Linux Distro if required
Composites are a powerful new addition to HDR Light Studio
You can use Composites to:
- Group Lights
- Control a group of lights (brightness, position, color etc)
- Store Multiple Lighting Designs in one HDR Light Studio project
- Isolate and Edit Individual Lights
- Mask Lights
- Clone and move areas of the HDRI map
- Combine different regions of multiple HDRI maps Dissect and take controls of light regions in existing HDRI maps
Select multiple Lights in the Light List
Multiple light selections can be: Deleted, Merged into a Composite, Released from a Composite
Blend Channel
A new drop down called Blend Channel currently allows you to choose if Add blend mode affects the Color or only Values.
This option works well with the Composite feature – allowing the user to take control over light sources in an existing HDRI map – see the example here.
Blend Modes Streamlined
When using blend modes, we have made a few changes making them easier to use. Improved default settings and removed redundant options from interface.
Low Pass takes into account Alpha
Low Pass blend mode now takes into account the alpha of the light, so that a Low Pass blend can have a soft edge to its clamping effect.
Mask Setting on Multiply
Mask setting added to Multiply blend mode. Very useful to use in conjunction with Composites.
Flat Background Light
A Flat Background light has been added to the tool bar. This is a very useful light setting and having it available on the tool bar is a time saver.
HDRLS_SCALE_GUI environment variable
Add support to force scale of GUI through HDRLS_SCALE_GUI environment variable. The value represents the scale size you want.